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Archaeological Studies Program: Stop destruction of Huluga archaeological site
Photocopy of the letter of ASP rescanned on August 18, 2023.

July 04, 2003


Philippine Archaeological Community Against the destruction of the Huluga Open Site, Cagayan de Oro City

The Huluga is the oldest known settlement of early "Cagay-anons." Previous archaeological work done by different scholars strongly suggests that the was already occupied as early as the Neolithic Period (5000-1000 BC) to Metal Age (500 BC- AD 500). The is, therefore, very important to our cultural heritage. Huluga can provide significant contributions to the understanding of the history of Northern Mindanao the Philippines in general.

At present, a road crosses through our heritage site. It was constructed without any sensitivity and keenness to our collective cultural history. It is a total pity seeing archaeological site being run down and ruthlessly destroyed by some insensible and irresponsible people working for the government without any knowledge of our cultural history

As the advocator in preserving the archaeological sites in the Philippines, we, the Archaeological Program Of the University Of the Philippines, strongly the call of the Heritage Conservation Advocates (HCA) and all concerned in Cagayan de Oro City to further destruction of the Huluga Open Site and recover "her cultural materials that can still be preserved."

Huluga Open Site is the silent witness to the history of Cagayan de Oro. It is the "living" evidence of our early ancestors who made the city what she is now. We appeal to the City Mayor, the DENR, and all other concerned government agencies to stop the construction of the bridge and comply with all the necessary requirements as mandated by the law such as the Environmental Compliance Certificate (ECC) that would include the Archaeological Impact Assessment (AIA) issued from the National Museum.


Faculty and Students Archaeological Studies Program
University of the Philippines


Updated August 27, 2023. The University of the Philippines-Diliman Archaeological Studies Program (UPD-ASP) is now the University of the Philippines-Diliman School of Archaeology (UPD-SA). "The program’s elevation to a school was approved by the UP Board of Regents at its 1375th meeting on Nov.10 [2022]. The elevation means that it is now an independent academic UPD unit which is no longer attached to the Office of the Chancellor."

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